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How I Earned Free Crytpo Using Coinbase

Michael Graczyk


I thought it was a gimmick or scam at first when I saw an advertisement on television and YouTube using Coinbase. I am one of the most cynical persons out there in which I believe people and companies are out for themselves and profit!

I recently had a conversation with my soon to be eighteen year old nephew about Crypto. He told me he looked into Coinbase as well but didn’t believe you can get free Crypto as well. He is the generation coming up that I believe will use, buy, and trade goods using mainly Crypto. I told him it is absolutely true that you can get free Crypto on the application. In fact, I showed him how I did it.

Now my disclaimer. I mainly researched and subscribed to the Coinbase application to research Crypto for myself and research Crypto applications. Coinbase is one of the most used applications among Crypto.

How easy is the application? The user interface is very easy in my opinion to use.

How does Coinbase afford to give out free Crypto? The application, like others, charges fees along with each transaction. They are also making money by people depositing money into the account to buy Crypto. Let’s face it, it’s hard for most people to not invest a little money into something and see how much they can potentially make since Crypto is such a hot topic. Even if it’s ten dollars. It’s like gambling.

Opening an account is easy. You only have to enter your name, email, and create a password. You will also have to complete a two step verification code and identification information. You have to prove your identity due to Know Your Consumer Laws mandated by the Government. You will also have to input your social security number and proof of residence. Once this is set up you are good to go.

I currently have $43.18 in my account as I write this blog. This was all free money. I received $5.00 to set up an account on Coinbase. I then went into the Learn and earn option to learn about Crypto. These are easy too. You just click through the slides and take the quiz at the end. You can even be wrong and keep selecting to get the right answer. The learn portions only take minutes.

In total, I earned $38.00 in Crypto on top of the $5.00 for signup for free! As I write this I am continuing to research Coinbase. I have learned some other tips I will share for future blogs here! Please follow me to learn more in the future.



Michael Graczyk

Proud Dad, Proud Husband. Avoiding scams. Learning to invest. Learning to write. Saving money. Occasional Online Seller (mainly eBay).